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Teilnehmer Stimmen 

Marlene (46) aus Frankfurt 

Ich finde das Projekt sehr toll und habe mich dazu entschlossen einen Vulva Abdruck machen zu lassen .
Ich bin herzlich empfangen worden und habe mich zu keinem Zeitpunkt unwohl gefühlt und meine Sichtweise meiner Vulva ist seitdem besser geworden .
Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg mit Deinem Kunst Projekt denn jede Frau sollte das von sich zuhause haben.



Lauri (34) from Australia

​"...Growing up in the 80's and 90's I used to feel very self conscious about my vulva, I didn't get to see many diverse representations of vulvas and their many shapes, sizes and colours.  I have larger inner labia, which can protrude quite noticeably during different stages of my cycle and it was always something I was embarrassed about and feared was 'abnormal' (I now know that's crazy).  Since I've gotten older and have a better understanding of the beauty and individuality of each persons vulva I have come to celebrate and take pride in the differences that mine 'mine'..."



Britta (44) from Denmark

"...I show flag - I show Dannebrog! Dannebrog is the oldest national flag in the word. According to the myth, Dannebrog descended from the sky in the year 1219 in Tallin, Estonia. I´m proud to represent this flag in this art project.For every Dane freedom to speech is inviolable. Based on this I get scared when I look around the world and see, how oppressed children, women, men, black people and people with other religions than the one which is dictated, can be.

One world is enough for all of us. One life is the only we have. Respect is the only thing we need to show. Responsibility for each other and for the nature to the next generations.
By showing the most fragile and private part of my body, the most intimate place my statement is sincere - representing what I am and nothing else..."



M. (33) from Poland

"...With this selfie I am rising my voice about my own body. Who is to decide on what I can and what I can not show? Where is the line between porn and art? Being a part of this project gives me control on my body appearance..."



Bintibelle (27) from Kenya

"...I am glad... it feels as if it is time to break old taboos that are keeping us back from loving each other and ourselves. Thank you for choosing this powerful message and sharing it in this way..."



Allie (21) from USA

"...You know I just realized this while looking through your page, that there really isn't a lot of images of the vagina in its real form in the world and how that creates mystery/shame. I find what you do beautiful, educational, and of the highest flattery. You show it in its real form in a way that's unique and specific. Truly a work of art. And I'm a fan..."



M. (25), Phillipines

„...for me participating to your project is also the first step for me to actually embrace my sexuality and break free from this culture...“



Natascha (18), Australia

"...Your Art projects are so odd yet fascinating, I just can't stop looking. The female body is amazing and I love how you convey that in your art, showing the diversity and types of female parts. It's so cool and I think that's what art is all about. I like it a lot!..."



Sena (28), USA

"...It is anonymous and I like that in terms of universality and the intimacy while providing a very body positive message, I personally haven't seen anything close to what you do in terms of body positivity and female genitalia in the world and I find what you do really important, showcasing and celebrating the female form, in a way that isn't sexualized and very natural..."


Beatriz (29), Australia

"...I find important to visualice women vaginas as something natural. Not something to be hidden..."

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